Urban Management

Projects → Cooperation partners

Partner companies
AKTIVA Consultores (Bolivia)
The Matrix (South Africa)
UBO Consulting (Kosovo)
inbas GmbH (Germany)
SANIPLAN GmbH (Germany)
GOPA GmbH (Germany)
Afri Infra Group now AFI Consult (South Africa)

Local organisations and institutions
Amani Housing Trust (Kenya)
Fondo de Inversión Productiva y Social (Bolivia)
FUNDASAL (El Salvador)
HUDCO (India)
NaCSA (Sierra Leone)
RLDSF now LODA (Rwanda)
SRSA (South Africa)

International organisations
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Austrian Development Cooperation
Belgian Development Agency (BTC) now Enabel
BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)
GIZ (German international cooperation)
Interamerican Development Bank (IDB)
Karl Kübel Stiftung
KfW (German financial cooperation)
Panamerican Health Organisation (PAHO)
UN-Habitat (UNCHS)
World Bank